Entering My Quarter Life Crisis - 25th Birthday!!

Today I am turning 25, which is quite a milestone in life, right?! From today I will be soon to be closer to 30 than to 20. But, let's think positive, I have learned plenty of lessons while balancing my commitments as a young adult, so today I'm here to share with you all what I have learnt in my past 25 years.

25 Lessons I’ve learned upon turning 25!!

1. Cherish those you have in your life because you never know when they won’t be there anymore. - Covid 19

Quarantine has been a time of self reflection for everyone. Even though I am currently not continuously living my dream in New York City, I am grateful to be at home with my family. This is the first in 5+ years where I’ve spent longer than 4 months living with my parents. If it weren’t for quarantine, I wouldn’t have been able to spend these valuable moments with them.

2. If you don’t take care of your body, your body won’t take care of you. – Health

This will always be a learning process for me. Growing up as a dancer I think I can vouch for us all that we all have some sort of eating disorder whether big or small. It is hard not to obsess over our body image since it’s our instrument. I am constantly reminding myself to nurture and love my body no matter how many times it can frustrate me.

3. You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with, choose wisely. – Negative people no longer in my life.

The people you spend the most time with shape who you are. They determine what conversations dominate your attention. They affect to which attitudes and behaviors you are regularly exposed. Eventually you start to think like they think and behave like they behave.

4. Trust the process and everything will follow through if you continue to work hard. - 21 year old self at the lowest point of her career For all that know me, know that I swear by this!! Everything in my life has happened for a reason and I am strong believer of that. Timing is everything. You are right where you need to be, and you’ll most certainly get to where you’re going when the stars align.

5. You do not need to date strangers in order to receive a validation that is better served to come from inside yourself – Every Dating App ever

There will come a time when the constant seeking of approval—the very solution to our problems—will run its course. It is common to want to know that we are well-liked, that others find us attractive, that we fit in, and that our men in our lives are smitten with us. We could all learn to care a little bit less about the opinion of others. That’s why the woman who doesn’t require validation from anyone is so intriguing and sexy. March to the beat of your own drum!

6. Don’t judge a situation you have never been in. – Assumptions

Especially nowadays it is important that we not assume what others are going through. It is such a sensitive time for everyone during this pandemic. If you haven’t been there, you don’t have the right to judge. You never truly know what you would do till your put in that situation and your forced to make the decision for yourself.

7. Some lessons cannot be taught, they must be learned. – Mistakes

You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey. After all there’s no success without failure.

8. You can never be overdressed or over educated. – Fashion

This comes with confidence and self-worth. Stop letting others judge you for how you look, act, and portray yourself. How you dress is a form of self-expression.

9. Never limit yourself to just one point of view. Learn to see from different perspectives. – My Ego

As an independent woman, I’m insanely stubborn and have a hard time seeking for help. Building a brand on my own has forced me to ask for other opinions and perspectives. It is important to be open minded in all fields.

10. Never forget who was there for you when no one else was. – True Friends

Wow, yet again quarantine was such an eye opener for this topic about “true friends.” This time in lockdown has taught me who wanted to build, rebuild, or demolish friendships. Especially after college, it is normal to see friendships disappear as you will have to make an effort to send a text, phone call, or FaceTime etc. I am so thankful for my best of friends who have been there for me since the beginning. My most valuable friendships are those from my childhood.

11. Unconditional love means giving without expecting anything in return. – Family

Love is pure. Giving it only increases it's frequency in your life. Expectations only put unnecessary burden on the bonds of love. If we are not clouded by our expectations then we can see the person for who they are, faults and all, and maybe even love them that way.

12. It is not selfish to make yourself a priority. – Stress

Make yourself a priority, and don't allow anyone to devalue you. You are not being selfish by prioritizing your happiness. In fact, you are taking a step to becoming a person who can benefit everyone around them, because you know the value you can bring.

13. Know your worth, then add tax. - Past Relationship

You just have to realise that you're worth the time and know that you deserve it. You make time for everyone else so make time for yourself. When other people see you valuing yourself they will value you more.

14. Hate comments are a sign of success. - Artistic Director

Understand that it means you are doing things right. The emergence of haters is a signal that you have achieved a certain level of success. If you have not accomplished anything, then, almost certainly, nobody would be paying enough attention to give you criticism.

15. No point in stressing about things which are beyond your control. - Candy Tong Collection

It’s important to note that worrying is a completely normal human emotion and that there is no need for you to beat yourself up about worrying. But you will be able to reduce your stress levels and boost your positive emotions if you’re at least able to stop worrying about things you can’t change. For the things you can change, do something about them, fight your worry with action! 

16. The best relationship is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself. - Sleepless Nights

In life and love, stay true to yourself. Never change who you are, nor sacrifice what you want… to become what someone else demands.

17. It’s ok to live a life that others don’t always understand. – Choosing an Unconventional Career Path

The last 5 years, I’ve stopped explaining my career choice to others who don’t necessarily believe in an artistic career. There’s no point of trying to prove to someone that you can live a fulfilled life as a dancer and let a lone MAKE MONEY. It's perfectly okay to live a life that others don't understand. They don't understand why your passions, dreams and desires are so important to you.

And that's okay.

18. Your Mom is probably right about whoever you are dating. - If Only I Actually Listened To My Mom Earlier On In My Relationships…

When in doubt, listen to your mom because she is NEVER wrong. End of story!

19. When your body is telling you to rest, REST. - Fighting My Hustle Mentality

For someone who thrives off of a busy schedule, REST is the hardest activity for me to practice. Not only do I move a mile a minute, but my mind wanders all the time even in my sleep.  I have learned to allow myself to have one day off a week where I can reset my mind, body, and soul. It is a no brainer, how much it can improve your mental and physical ability. So ladies and gents, IT’S OKAY to give yourself a BREAK.

20. Never say NO to any new opportunity, even if it seems challenging. - Doubts

If it weren’t for quarantine, I wouldn’t have found my love for teaching. I was so nervous at the start of quarantine when I got asked to teach for several well known dance conventions, schools, and companies. But I am so happy I took the leap because teaching has become one of my latest passions. The younger generation is what’s motivating me the most during this time.

21. Distance and duration of friendship doesn’t make it strong or weak. It all depends on the connection between two true selves. - True Friendships

The best relationships are the ones that go unnoticed. The ones where you can talk for hours without having seen/talked to one another for months… as if no time has passed.

22. Not everything will go as per your plan, accept it , life is full of uncertainties, be prepared for everything. - My Early Twenties

There is no one direct path to any journey. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Life isn’t interesting if we are driving in a straight line.

23. The Universe has your back. What is meant for you will always find a way. What is meant for you will ALWAYS be yours in spite of all the setbacks, challenges and adversity you might face along the way. - late night conversations with Z

Somehow in some way I think the universe aligns you with certain choices in life… in this most recent instance… people. It's easy to feel like the universe doesn't have your back when you're looking for "The One" and well, nothing's happening. You keep dating the same type of people who are all wrong for you. You keep dating people who don't want a serious relationship. Or, you just never happen to meet anyone who catches your interest romantically. When you're making zero progress on the love front, it can make you feel like the universe just wants you to give up. But according to experts, that's not necessarily true. In fact, the universe is trying to set you up with “The One” right now and you may not even realize it.

24. It’s okay to evolve and let go of past versions of yourself that no longer serve you. - Bunhead Candy

Instead of resisting change and struggling to let go of your past, step boldly forward. We resist change and hold onto the past often long after it has quit serving us. You will realize a new positive version of yourself. In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. ... we think, how we want to live, and what the best version of ourselves feels like. Who you were at 18 does not define who you are at 25.

25. Happiness is felt by making other people happy. – Giving

A small act of giving can do wonders! Giving makes you happier than the one who receives. It is some enigmatic happy feeling that cannot be compared to any other joy; a joy that the child experiences on receiving a chocolate. And they decided to do just the same.

If you made it to the end of this post, thank you to everyone that has ever celebrated any birthdays with me. I am forever grateful to every single person who has taken time out of their busy lives to read my blog, follow my social media, watch my latest creative passion on Youtube, and most of all to anyone who has encouraged my love for dance, fashion, and modeling throughout the years. Be well and stay safe!!

Made with love and fire,



Photos by Marco Trinidid

Flowers sponsored by Blooming Vase

Candy Tong